one-shot fairy in the alternate universe

To start the sweet confession, click on the photo of the DAY6 member you liked the most.






This is entirely a work of fiction | Please do not repost without any permission | Enjoy reading!
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sweetest sunrise

one-shot by miss midori

You've always like spontaneous drives—you're the happiest when you look at the lovely scenery while listening to nice music, getting lost in some random talks, and letting out hearty laugh at the lame jokes of whoever takes the wheel.

So when Jae, your officemate whom you've been secretly liking for the longest time, unexpectedly invited you to join him for an early morning drive—your whole world shut out for a minute—rendering your mouth speechless; leaving your heart powerless.

"Would you mind if I play some music?" Jae asked, with a soft half-smile that somewhat reaches his eyes. You bashfully smiled back, shook your head and answered, "Not at all."

He then adorably messed up his already messy-styled blonde hair, gripped the steering wheel, and started driving.

All throughout the long drive—despite the random chitchats, Jae's eyes were focused on the road—and so, you thought it would be the perfect chance to steal glances without him noticing. But to your surprise, he turned at you for a second and asked, "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

Your eyes locked with his—and it wasn't hyperbole when you thought to yourself that Jae must have been the prettiest breathing creature in this entire universe.

"None." You shook your head as you awkwardly averted your gaze from Jae to the lightly tinted window.

A smile played on his lips. "So, it's probably just me who wants to tell something," he then said sheepishly.

"Tell what?" You looked at him, curious on what he had meant. But before he could answer your question, Jae slowed down the engine as the car reached a fork in the road.

"Just in time." He said with a nose scrunch, as he checks the time on the dashboard. He then gently yet firmly reached for your hand and added, "Let's go? Sun's about to rise."

Jae & you climb out of the car and lean against the car's trunk—admiring at how the glorious sun stains the sky with pretty shades of amber and rose.

And as the hues continuously kissed your skin, you looked at Jae—only to find him already staring at you.

With a loud thumping heart—you asked him the exact same question he threw from minutes ago, "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

Jae nodded as he bites his lower lips subconsciously. And even before you could warn your tummy from the hundred of butterflies that are about to come out—Jae dropped the string of words that melted your heart in an instant...

"I like you."

He then affectionately pat your head and added with smile, "I've being wanting to tell you this for a long time."

You pulled your green knitted beanie down to your eyes—like a shy five-year old kid would do, and softly confessed back, "I like you too."

Jae then lifted your beanie, grinned widely and muttered with a voice sweeter than fresh honey, “Do you like to watch the sunrise again tomorrow?"

"...and the day after?" He added, his heart on his sleeve. You smiled, tiptoed to plant a kiss on his soft cheek and answered back with lovely beam, "I'd love to."

The sun has fully bloom on the horizon—indicating that a brand new day has started with Jae by your side.

~ 끝🧚~
[ If you enjoy this one-shot, feel free share it on Twitter with the hashtag #D6confession and don't forget to tag me, @__missmidori! ]

midnight escapade

one-shot by miss midori

As the clock struck at 12 midnight, you got a surprise call from Sungjin—a long-time friend whom you've been crushing for years.

"Do you know what time is it?" You grunted irritably, as you roll over on the other side of bed. Sungjin chuckled softly and said, "I'm infront of your gate."

There was a 3-second eerie silence before his words registered well in your still-sleepy brain—you immediately rise from lying down and exclaimed in a higher pitch, "What?! You're here?"

Sungjin laughed. "Pali-pali. The mosquitoes are feasting on my arms," he said as he hangs up on you.

You quickly washed up, pulled an oversized hoodie under a plain shirt, slipped into clean jeans, and wore your Vans slip-ons.

Sungjin smirked the moment he saw you. "You look prettier without any makeup," he teased as he rested his arm over your shoulders. You glared at him, poked his side and protested, "Excuse you but I'm always pretty!"

He then adjusted your hoodie, ushered you to the car and said with an impish smile, "Let's find a McDonald's drive-thru, first? I know you're hungry."

And as soon as you got your order, Sungjin immediately opened his mouth—an obvious signal for you to feed him.

"Did you just wake me up in the middle of the night to feed you while you're driving?" You groaned, as you shoved three pieces of fries in his mouth.

Sungjin gazed at you through the rear-view and said with mischievous smirk, "Ofcourse not."

"Then what's your reason, huh? I should be sleeping-" You nagged but Sungjin playfully covered your mouth with his right hand to hush your whining.

His face then lit up as he declared, "We're finally here!"

Your eyes roamed around the familiar place as soon as you get off the car—and after a few minutes, you realized that it was the old park where you and Sungjin first met 13 years ago.

"How did you find-" You were about to throw a question but as you turned around—you saw Sungjin holding a bouquet of roses—the lovely flowers were bathed by the starlight while his handsome face was being kissed by moonbeams.

He then started singing in acapella with only the loud cricket sound as his backup.

Sungjin always made your heart flutter but at this exact time—in-between night & day; dark & light, he didn't just made your heart pound—but instead, he momentarily stopped it from beating only to revive it after.

"Do you know what time is it?" Sungjin asked, with a little bashful smile. You shook your head with your eyes not leaving his.

He then moved inch closer, held your hand and muttered, "It's time to tell you that I like you."

You looked at your wrist watch and said with a tone that could easily pass as an aegyo, "...and it's time to tell you that I like you, too."

His slowly lips curved into a smile—a beautiful smile that lit up his eyes and spread into every part of him.

He then pulled you closer and planted a kiss on your forehead—perhaps, this chilly midnight gave you and Sungjin a good reason to draw closer to each other afterall.

~ 끝🧚~
[ If you enjoy this one-shot, feel free share it on Twitter with the hashtag #D6confession and don't forget to tag me, @__missmidori! ]

starry night

one-shot by miss midori

When Younghyun first entered the university's baking club orientation room, you didn't exactly fall inlove—but you were certain that you had a crush at him, a fat crush that was big enough to suffocate your young & fragile heart in a good way.

"Is there someone occupying this seat?" He asked you, with an attractive half-smile dangling on his lips. You shook your head with a friendly smile—internally wishing that he'll not take notice of the fiery blush searing through your cheeks.

And from then on, You and Younghyun shared a beautiful bond—a relationship that was less than lovers but more than casual friends.

Your club mates would often tease you with one another—but you'd always choose to brush them off—not that your against with the fluffy idea but because deep-inside you knew that Younghyun was way out of your league.

"He was too much for me." You would mumble—as your mind automatically trashes the foolish idea of a campus heartthrob falling inlove with a plain-looking student who could only offer over-sweetened pastries and half-baked cakes.

But one day—after the club's 10th founding anniv dinner celebration, Younghyun asked you if he could drive you home.

"Huh?" You looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. He then did a nose scrunch, zipped up his jacket and repeated his question with a sweet voice, "I said, is it okay if I drive you home?"

Your whole body froze as your mind wanders if the 'foolish idea' of him falling inlove with you—is possible afterall.

"Sure. I'll just think of you as a handsome taxi driver." You replied with an awkward smile that oddly matches your equally awkward facial expression.

Younghyun heartily laughed. "But I won't accept any payment, okay?" he then added, with a perfect smile that looked like a daydream.

And as the car speeds up, Younghyun retracted the hardtop—allowing the cold & crisp wind to fill your lungs and letting the gleaming stars above to bathe your bare yet lovely face.

"Do you still remember the question I asked you in the club's orientation?" He asked randomly, his eyes still focused on the road ahead. You furrowed your eyebrows, internally sorted your memory and answered, "Is there someone occupying this seat?"

Younghyun nodded with a knowing smile. "Now, can I ask you another one?" He then added, as he takes a quick gaze at you through the rear-view mirror.

"As long as it's not Math." You joked, as you turned to face him. Younghyun then cleared his throat and dropped the question in a smooth prince-like voice, "Is there someone occupying your heart?"

"W-what do you mean..." Your heart thumped like crazy. Younghyun shyly smiled and added, "I just need to know because I think I'm falling for you."

"But you're too much for me! How could you like-" You protested but even before you could complete your sentence—Younghyun cut you off with sweet words that seemingly stop your world from rotating on its axis...

"Because you are you. There's no explanation behind it."

There was a minute of awkward silence before Younghyun broke it by saying with an assuring voice, "Hey, you don't have to like me back. Okay? I just need to tell-"

"I like you too! I mean, I've liked you ever since..." It was your turn to cut him off—it was your turn to be true to your feelings.

His lips then curved into a smile—a beautiful smile that extended to his eyes deep down into his soul.

"I'll give you a tight hug once we get off the car." He said with unsteady voice which is obviously cause by smile suppression. But to his surprise—you unbuckled your seat belt, wrapped your arms around him and whispered in-between shy giggles, "My house is a bit far from here, so I'll give you one now."

You and Younghyun both laughed—the sound of your chuckles blending in beautifully like a romantic song that was perfectly made just for this blissful starry night.

~ 끝🧚~
[ If you enjoy this one-shot, feel free share it on Twitter with the hashtag #D6confession and don't forget to tag me, @__missmidori! ]

under the dusk sky

one-shot by miss midori

You and Wonpil's lives were intertwined since you were kids—you live in the same area near the shore, shared the same love for sunsets, had the same hobbies and likes, and even took up the same course in college.

So, it didn't come as a surprise when you honestly admitted to yourself that you have deeply fallen in love with him. And despite the known fact that loving a bestfriend can possibly cause so much pain in the end, your heart can't help but to love him even more—it was irresistible, uncontrollable, unstoppable.

You initially tried to bury your feelings in your chest but the more you hide it, the more it grew bigger. And even before you know it, your feelings turned into something big—large enough that it was impossible for you to lock it all up inside your heart anymore.

And so, you thought of taking the risk of confessing to your bestfriend—afterall, love is a one scary gamble.

Your first confession attempt happened on his birthday where you wrote a large 'i love you' in the sand using a fallen branch of the tree. His brows raised in surprise upon seeing the imperfectly-written sweet words from their wooden terrace.

He rushed down to you. "I love you too!" He then said with a wide grin that cause an oddly attractive crease below his eyes.

You squinted your eyes at him to validate if he was serious with what he had just said—but his reaction seemed to be a plain child-like jest possibly brought by the little cute surprise you've created. You heaved a sigh and mumbled to yourself, "You fool."

Your second attempt happened exactly a week after the epic-fail birthday confession. This time, you thought of giving him a more decipherable clue—an obvious message even the most naive guy would understand.

As you hang out on the shore, you let him read a short story that you've written yourself—you incorporated the struggle of secretly loving a friend as the main conflict and even used his name as the protagonist.

"Wonpil loves her too." He commented in your story, as he threw a single stone in the salty ocean. Blush quickly seared through your cheeks—as if your veins abnormally pumped more blood than usual. "You think so?" You asked, while bashfully fidgeting your beaded bracelet.

Wonpil furrowed his straight eyebrows, craned his neck to the orange-tinged sky which was just above him and said with a smile, "I'm sure of that."

You then gazed at his face and checked if he was serious with what he had just said. But for the second time—it struck to you that perhaps, he was still missing out the message you've been wanting him to see all this time.

"You fool." You muttered, as you messed up his newly trimmed hair. Wonpil then counter-attacked you by playfully pinching your cheeks while cutely saying, "What?! You're a fool, too!"

For your third attempt, you decided to make it straight and simple—confess your raw feelings to Wonpil, with no grand props or an overly-conceptualized plan.

"Meet me at the shore before the sun sets."

You sent him a message and proceeded to the shore to wait for him. You then momentarily closed your eyes and practiced saying the string of words that you've been dying to say to him, "I love you..."

"You love, who?"

You panicky opened your eyes upon hearing the voice of Wonpil. "For how long have you been here?" You exclaimed. He didn't say anything but instead, he just averted his gaze from you to the golden sky.

"Come to think of it, you've always love sunsets." You said, as you looked at his angelic face that was being bathed by the lovely color of fire hearths and tangerines.

Wonpil nodded, turned to face you and muttered, "...but not as much as I love you."

You looked at him—your eyes blinking excessively like that of a kid's reaction when you tell an unbelievable story.

"Y-you love me?"

He then stifled a smile and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, "I've been answering back to your confession every single time. You fool."

The orb of light slowly sinking beneath the horizon was truly breathtaking—but the sweet confession said under the dusk sky certainly made it more beautiful.

~ 끝🧚~
[ If you enjoy this one-shot, feel free share it on Twitter with the hashtag #D6confession and don't forget to tag me, @__missmidori! ]

afternoon kind of love

one-shot by miss midori

You knew Dowoon since you were just eight.

Your moms were the best of friends back in middle-school while your dads were business partners on weekdays & golf mates on weekends—and with this kind of setup, you and Dowoon were both left without any choice but to treat each other well and create a good bond just like those of your parents.

Being friends with Dowoon wasn't difficult though—because behind the prankish & mischievous boy lies a soft guy who likes stray cats, treats the elders with utmost respect, and opens the door for everyone (and not just the pretty ones!).

You depended on him a lot—and so, it wasn't a surprise when you asked for his help to find an inexpensive flat near your university where you'd board for approximate 4 years. Dowoon was quick to find a nice place and was able to sweet-talk the middle-aged landlady to even lower the rent monthly rate.

"You're the best!" You gave him two thumbs up and a cute wink. Dowoon then stifled a chuckle, rested his arms on your shoulders and said, "My service isn't for free."

He then turned to face you and added with a sunny smile that could compete with the afternoon sun's blinding luminance, "Cook me delicious lunch every weekend."

And true enough—on your first week in college, Dowoon visited you and asked for his first 'lunch reward'.

He went straight to the small yet clean dining area and draw the lacy curtains to let some sunlight in.

"How's your first week?" He asked, as he waited for the tofu stew to simmer. You looked at him and answered casually, "The campus is large and majority of my block-mates are nice."

You then averted your gaze from the stew pot to Dowoon and added, "Actually, there's a tall, handsome guy named Hajoon who's showing interest on me."

"Hey you! Don't fall quickly for that guy just because he's tall or handsome. He's probably just making fun of you." Dowoon grunted, with furrowed eyebrows and flaring nostrils.

You suppressed a laugh and sassily asked in crossed arms, "Why? Are you jealous?"

Dowoon was taken aback on your unexpected rebuttal—his clear cheeks had rosiness on it, and it was so cute.

"You know what? Just cook faster. I'm already starving here." He then blurted out with a loud voice that could pass as a whine of a spoiled-brat kid.

Dowoon noticeably changed after that day. Although, he was still the same goofy friend who eats lunch with you every weekends—he suddenly became more clingy and caring.

It was odd, even weird & awkward on some days—but your heart can't help but flutter every single time.

One sunny Saturday, Dowoon arrived at your place an hour before 12 noon—he was casually dressed up while holding a bouquet of sunflowers that he must have bought in the newly-opened flower shop nearby.

"Are those flowers for me?" You asked, while hiding your growing feelings inside. Dowoon ruffled his bouncy hair, hand over the bouquet and mumbled without staring at you, "I just thought girls like flowers so I bought you some."

You grinned widely and poked his cheeks. "Let's eat. I prepared more side-dishes for you." You then added, with a sweet voice that made Dowoon smiled too.

But in the middle of your simple afternoon feast, you received a message from Hajoon—inviting you to have a lunch-date with him next weekend.

"Then what about my lunch?" Dowoon muttered with a sad tone, as put down his chopsticks.

"Are you jealous?" You asked, with a little teasing half-smile. He then gazed at you and replied stuttering—obviously fighting not to spill the words he truly want to say.

"I am. I mean, I am...just concerned about you because you're a bit dumb in the dating department."

The week later, Dowoon still went to your place 15 mins before lunchtime. He knocked almost 14 times before realizing that you must have chosen to meet Hajoon.

But to his surprise—as he turned around, he saw you with a smile dangling on your pinkish lips.

"Let's go inside? I'm hungry." You said, as you unlock the door. Dowoon then went straight to the dining area to draw the curtains.

An awkward silence resided between the two of you—until you break it by softly asking, "Are you jealous?"

Dowoon looked towards the window—the soft and diffuse sun rays hit his face giving it a beautiful glimmer. You've known him all your life but for the first time—you realized that your mischievous childhood friend grew up into a fine young man.

"Yes, I'm jealous. But even so, I don't have the rights to get mad at you." He muttered, his eyes not leaving the bright sky.

You moved inch closer and tightly wrapped your arms around his waist. "You don't need to get jealous. Because you're the one I like." You then softly said.

Dowoon hastily broke the backhug to face you. "Does it mean you like me too?" He asked with reddened cheeks & ears.

"I said it already! It's your problem if you didn't hear it." You jested with a smile building on the corners of your lips. He then let out a smile of a champion, rested his arms on your shoulders and playfully yet sweetly said, "I volunteer to wash the dishes from now on."

Truly, Dowoon never fails to fill your heart with warmth—a different kind of warmth that even the afternoon sun would envy.

~ 끝🧚~
[ If you enjoy this one-shot, feel free share it on Twitter with the hashtag #D6confession and don't forget to tag me, @__missmidori! ]